Thursday, July 30, 2009

Big Boy Jedi

Click to Enlarge.

What's more awesome than a Big Boy Jedi Knight?

Nothing, my friends.


* The guy with the hamburger is me.

SDCC 2009 : Monkey Ninja Drawing

Click Image to Enlarge.

People can come up to you and say, "Hey. Will you draw this for me?"

And you can say, "Yes. I will. Give me some money."

And if they say, "I will give you some money."

You can draw it for them.

It's called a "commission."

So. Here's a monkey ninja drawing I did for someone. (I also did an elephant for the same couple, but I didn't get a picture of it.)

SDCC 2009 Sketch Dump

|| Click Images to Enlarge ||

...the last of the sketches from San Diego Comic Con 2009.

Thanks to Jason for scanning in the race car cat sketch he bought from me.

This guy was supposed to be steampunky, but then he just ended up looking kind of piloty. So, he's a steampunk pilot with no fresh craft to fly.

This is a lobster escaping his death by riding a pizza cutter. You see, they don't move very fast (outside of their natural environs) and need a little assistance.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

SDCC 2009 : For Scale

So some people may have seen my table when I posted it on Facebook.

Click Image for Larger

Here's a shot my buddy, Kennon found of me and my itsy bitsy table at Comic Con.

Don't be fooled. This is probably a 10th of the size of the con.

(I don't know where he got it yet. But I will post photo credits as soon as I do.)

SDCC Sketchbook Spread

Click image for bigger size

Most of these folks are amalgamations of people who walked by my table.*

I didn't draw any straight up caricatures because I did not want someone to go, "Hey you're drawing me!" and then end up with a whole line of those people wanting me to draw them. I mean, I could do that, but I don't want to be "That Guy."

More Con Drawn' coming.

* 'Cept for the cat. He's a race car cat. I drew him in a race car... and I.... hey Jason. Can you send me a scan of that?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

1 down, 15 to go

I finished my book for Comic Con last night and sent it to the printer.

Here's the cover:

Here's a sample page:

I got an ISBN for it so if it's a flop at the con it can be a flop on Amazon too.

Rest up on the weekend and then back on to con stuff and the second graphic novel for Stone Arch books.

No rest for the wicked, they say. I must be very evil.