Monday, November 28, 2011

Top Turkeys of 2011

Not every year, but several, I have illustrated the Fort Worth Star Telegram's Top Turkey Awards feature. It's published on Thanksgiving day and lists the biggest numbskulls of the year. I was fortunate to get to draw it again this time around. Below are the three illo's I contributed. I don't do a ton of caricature, but I enjoy it, though I don't consider what I do caricature, more of cartoon likenesses ... which Webster's defines as caricature. Enjoy! 

 (As always, click the images if'n ya wants to see 'em bigger.)

In case you didn't know, the heat was kind of a huge jerk in Texas this year.

 Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries earned a spot.
This guy was actually one last year, but only for getting messed up and trashing a hotel room ... or something like that. Sheen earned higher points for winning this year.

1 comment:

Sydney said...

So very enjoyable! Excellent, as always, good sir!