Monday, December 8, 2014

NYC Here I Come

I am excited to announce--and incredibly honored--to have received the Tribute Fund Scholarship to the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators 2015 Winter Conference in NYC. (Airfare, hotel, and tuition--all paid.)

They chose an illustrator and a writer from the volunteers of all regions of SCBWI, and I was the illustrator they picked. (Whaaaaat?! I KNOW.) It's a great opportunity. I will get to hobnob and have my work seen by more pros in NYC, as well as receive some outstanding education from the faculty there, and generally have a great time. (Plus NYC in winter!? Woo-hoo!)

I didn't know I'd even been nominated, so it was a bombshell--of the best kind--I am still recovering from.

Additionally, it's a feather in the cap of our chapter, as Marsha Riti won this very award for the Los Angeles conference earlier this year. ‪#‎ATXRepresent‬ ‪#‎TwoPeat‬

Now for the work of fleshing out new portfolio pieces and wrapping up my site up and launching it. (If nothing else, great impetus for those things.)

1 comment:

Greg said...

If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere!